What Is Dampers? And its Types Used In Transmission Lines
Dampers used in transmission lines for aviod oscillations in overhead transmission lines.Due to laminar wind, overhead transmission lines will be excited to vibrations and oscillations that can lead to damage on the conductor of the overhead transmission line, single parts or the pole. In order to reduce these vibrations and oscillations to an uncritical dimension, damping systems will have to be installed in the overhead transmission lines.

Types Of Dampers
Dampers used in transmission lines are of following types.

Stockbridge dampers
A Stockbridge damper is a tuned mass damper used to suppress wind-induced vibrations on slender structures such as overhead power lines and long cantilevered signs.The dumbbell-shaped device consists of two masses at the ends of a short length of cable or flexible rod, which is clamped at its middle to the main cable. The damper is designed to dissipate the energy of oscillations in the main cable to an acceptable level. Its distinctive shape gives it the nickname “dog-bone damper“.These dampers are used to counteract vibrations excited by wind, so-called Karman vibrations. Depending on the type of the the conductor of the overhead transmission line, several damper types with many different models are available. The name of the damper is due to the scientist H. Stockbridge, who advanced the development of the damper in the 1920’s. The functional mode has not changed up to now and is one of the methods for reducing vibrations on overhead transmission lines that are spread most.
Spacer dampers
Spacers serve to establish a distance between the partial conductors of a bundle line in order to prevent the conductors from knocking together or tilting and thus avoid damage done to conductors. Spacer dampers will be used if vibrations excited by wind need to be expected. Thanks to use of damping elements between the frame and the conductor clamps, the vibration amplitudes of the conductor can be reduced to an uncritical dimension. In this context, many different models of the spacers are available for different bundle arrangements.