Suspension and support clamps|Preformed ties
Suspension Units are used where mains conductors are suspended under a horizontal line post insulator or an insulator string. They are designed to reduce the static and dynamic stresses at the suspension point so that the conductor is protected against the effects of conductor motion or aeolian vibration. Single suspension units are suitable for line deviations up to 30°, double suspension units are required for angles between 30° and 60°.
Support Units are used where a mains conductor is supported by a top clamp horizontal or vertical line post insulator. They are designed to reduce the static and dynamic stresses at the support point so that the conductor is protected against the effects of conductor motion or aeolian vibration.
Suspension Clamps are generally used at non-tension conductor suspension points like the bonding of a through strain arrangement where a bonding conductor is suspended under a horizontal line post insulator or an insulator string. There are various types of suspension clamps available, including; clevis, trunnion, offset and aluminium angle types. Armour rods are used to protect the conductor in the clamp.
Support Clamps or top clamps are generally used at non-tension conductor support points like the bonding of a through strain arrangement where a bonding conductor is supported by a top clamp horizontal or vertical line post insulator. Armour rods are used to protect the conductor in the clamp.
Distribution Ties or top ties are a preformed tie that provides an improved method of securing a conductor to the top groove of an insulator compared to traditional hand ties. The neoprene pad gives the conductor a resilient cushion where it would be in contact with the insulator. Distribution ties are also available for installation over armour rods where these are used as the means of conductor protection.
Side Ties are a preformed tie that provides an improved method of securing a conductor to the side groove of an insulator compared to traditional hand ties. The neoprene pad gives the conductor a resilient cushion where it would be in contact with the insulator. Side ties are also available for installation over armour rods where these are used as the means of conductor protection.

TERMINATIONS|Preformed deadends|Compression deadends|Jumper lugs|Preformed guy locks
Preformed Deadends are a simple and cost effective method of terminating bare overhead conductors on distribution networks. Available in a single piece design for AAC, AAAC, SC/GZ and HDBC conductors and a multi-piece design for ACSR conductors, these fittings are colour coded and matched to specific conductor strandings.
Guy Locks are an easy and efficient way of terminating stays back onto themselves in pole top applications. They are designed to replace conventional bolted methods and when installed give a low profile neat finished appearance. Available for SC/GZ conductors, these fittings are colour coded and matched to specific conductor strandings.
Compression Deadends are high strength fittings used for terminating bare overhead conductors on transmission networks, they are engineered to hold 100% of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of the conductor. The deadends are available in a single piece design for AAC and AAAC conductors and a multi-piece design for ACSR conductors. Options include, eye type or tongue type and 2 or 4 hole palms either inline or transverse. Compression jumper lugs to suit the compression deadends are also available for the bonding conductors.

Electrical Line Protection|Vibration dampers|Preformed armour rods and lineguards|
Tiger tails and warning markers|Spreader rods
Armour Rods provide protection for conductors against bending, compression, abrasion and arcing damage. Available for AAC, AAAC, ACSR, SC/GZ and HDBC conductors, these fittings are colour coded and matched to specific conductor.
Lineguards may be regarded as a light duty version of the armour rod, they provide protection for conductors against abrasion and arcing damage. Available for AAC, AAAC, ACSR and HDBC conductors, these fittings are colour coded and matched to specific conductor.
Spiral Vibration Dampers are made from high impact, UV resistant PVC, they are designed to reduce aeolian vibration by acting as an interference device for the aeolian vibration pattern. These vibration dampers are designed for use on conductors ranging from 4.4mm in diameter up to 19.3mm in diameter.
Dogbone & Stockbridge Vibration Dampers incorporate an aluminium alloy conductor clamp with a galvanized steel messenger cable and weights. They are designed to reduce aeolian vibration by acting as an interference device for the aeolian vibration pattern and are available for large conductor sizes.
Aerial Warning Markers are designed to clearly identify overhead conductors where there is a danger of collision by vehicles or aircraft. Marker balls are made from UV stabilised materials and available in 300mm or 600mm diameters. Colour options are white, red, orange and yellow.
Bird Flight Diverters are designed to provide a visual indicator to help birds avoid collisions with powerlines.
Spreader Rods are used to maintain the required mid-span spacing of low voltage conductors to prevent clashing. The rods are made from a UV stabilised material and spring clips are used to secure them to the conductors.
Tiger Tails are designed to provide temporary electrical insulation, mechanical protection and visual warning of power lines and conductors.
Line Covers provide temporary insulation from brush contact during maintenance of potentially live low voltage electrical components during routine maintenance. Various covers are available for power lines, cross arms, fuses, links and more.